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5 days on 2 days off – The weekend Warrior

It’s not a new fad diet, or a 5 days cleanse but how can you survive the weekend without disregarding all your hard work Monday – Friday.

Monday = 300 calorie deficit

Tuesday  = 300 calorie deficit

Wednesday = 300 calorie deficit

Thursday = 300 Calorie deficit

Friday = 300 calorie deficit


Saturday = 2500 calorie surplus

Sunday = 2500 calorie surplus

Look familiar…

Let’s look at how you can break the ‘detox to retox mindset’

You have been perfect all week, your appetite is a little bit challenged as you have stuck to a sustainable and manageable deficit in order to slowly lose some body fat. You woke up before work and went to the gym, you ate fresh clean healthy food right for you Monday Friday.

In reality, you want to be in a 1200-1600 deficit per week for long term weight losses over an 8-12 week period of time. 

It’s a habit that you have allowed to happen – Break the habit today!

When it comes to dining out, one can easily get swayed from their diets with all the possible delicacies presented in front of them. We’ve all been there, arrived at a restaurant looked at the menu and just said, “Well, today can just be my cheat day”. Nothing wrong with that, but if this happens 4 times a week, it could take a toll on the healthy diet you’ve been trying to get on. Below are some tips and tricks to help make eating out more guilt-free for you. 

1. Don’t go out starving! If you go out on a hungry stomach, you will most definitely (99% of the time) eat your stomach out without realising. Until of course, you feel your stomach bulging through your jeans and realise it’s time to stop. 

Point being, eat something before dining out. Not a meal but a small snack. Fruit or a cup of yoghurt perhaps is a good option. This way you can make sound judgements while ordering. 

2. Soup: Beware of calorie-loaded cream-based soups (especially those with added cheese, bacon and butter).They can easily pack in around 300 calories.  

Opt for vegetable or broth-based soups but beware of their sodium content. Some broths can contain up to 900 mg of sodium per cup. That’s around 36% of your daily sodium intake!! Tomato, garden pea and vegetable soups are good nutritious low-calorie options. 

3. Salads: Salads are generally loaded with greens but those calories from the dressing can easily add up. 2 tablespoons ofa caesar saladdressing can add up to 110 calories to your salad!And restaurants use more than that amount over their salads. 

Opt for healthier dressing options such as olive oil or vinegar and order it on the side. This way you are in control of how much of the dressing you consume and ultimately how many calories you intake.

4. The main dish: You might want to reduce your red meat consumption if you dine out frequently. Red meat such as pork, beef and lamb are high in cholesterol and saturated fats. 

Opt for fish instead. They have lower amounts of calories, cholesterol and saturated fats. Mercury levels are a concern, so 2-3 servings of fish such as salmon, canned light tuna or cod per week can be consumed. 

Opt for healthier cooking methods. Order dishes that are either steamed, grilled, broiled, baked or poached instead of fried. This can really reduce the calorie count in your dish. Don’t hesitate to ask the waiter if the kitchen is able to switch their cooking method up for you. Some restaurants are able to accommodate. 

5.  Dessert: Okay, okay this one’s going to be a bit tough to avoid. I feel the pain of every sweet-toothed person out there who just cannot resist that beautiful molten chocolate lava cake. BUT, when it comes to our health, one must take action!   A blueberry cheesecake can contain around 360 calories similar to that of a molten chocolate lava cake. 

A better alternative could be having a cup of fruits topped with a small amount of cream. If you’re really craving an indulgent dessert you could have a small scoop of ice-cream. 1 cup will give you around 150- 250 calories depending on the flavour. 

Opting for smaller portions of your favourite dessert can ease your desire and satisfy your sweet tooth without adding too many numbers to your calorie count. ALSO, SHARE! You know what they say, “Sharing is caring”. It’ll help you to not consume a lot and you’ll be able to enjoy different kinds of foods. 

Hopefully, the above tips will help you make wiser and healthier decisions next time you dine out!