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  1. How to stay active while being at home ? 

Physical activity benefits both the body and mind.

Did you know that healthy adults should aim for at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity and at least 1 hour for healthy kids (5-17 years)? 

Sedentary behaviour and low levels of physical activity can have negative effects on the health, well-being and quality of life of individuals.

Stand up whenever possible to reduce your sedentary time. Ideally aim to interrupt sitting every 30minutes. You can try working standing up, putting your computer on a pile of books or shelves. 

Follow these tips for staying physically active during self-isolation or quarantine:

– Take short active breaks during the day 

– Dancing, playing with children, performing domestic chores such as cleaning and gardening are means to stay active at home

– Follow online exercise class

– Many of the classes are free and can be found on YouTube. Fat burning cardio – HIIT – muscles building – losing weight – ABDOS – HIPS – Zumba 

– Walk

– If you have a call, if you listen to music, you need to think, stand or walk around your home instead of sitting down. It can help you remain active and bring inspiration. You can set indoor walking goals and count your steps. 

– Stand up

– Relax

– Meditation, sophrology, breathing and calm is important to reduce stress and improve psychological and spiritual well being. You have online classes that are often free on You Tube.

Try one of these before sleeping for 30minutes. 

  1. Get enough quality sleep 

In general, adults should aim to get at least 7 hours of quality sleep per night. Stress brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic may have a negative impact on our sleep. Therefore, we should try to prioritize good sleeping habits and ensure we are getting enough.

Here are some tips to help you improve your sleep:

– Establish a regular sleep schedule (going to bed and getting up at set times), and keep it on weekends and when working from home

– Limit alcohol intake and do not smoke

– Avoid caffeine before bedtime 

– Use comfortable inviting bedding

– Keeping your room quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature

– Do not eat in your bed. 

– Disconnect from electronics before going to bed

– Try relaxation techniques such as meditation

Doing physical acivity during the day and the quality of sleep at night are linked. You should try adopting a routine so your body acts naturally. 

Concerning nutrition during quarantine, you can refer to our past blog highlighting tips to avoid emotional and compulsive snacking during quarantine. Click here 

Good luck !